If you have ever watched programs like The Voice or Britain's Got Talent, you will have noticed that many people have talent, but they often do not really stand out from others with the same ability. What we value above all is originality, rarity, or the exceptional nature of a gift. It is common to see thousands of candidates for a position in a symphony orchestra or to hear a moving singer in a hotel bar. What about those actors who steal the show while so many others vie for a bit part? Is it luck, hard work, an innate gift, or a mixture of the three?
But it's not just about art or sports. Entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors also have their idols who reach the top and are recognized and rewarded accordingly. Do we live in a world that fuels the frustration of seeing our dreams limited by the exceptional nature of a few? Envy and jealousy are toxic feelings that arise from what we cannot obtain. Or ambition can lock us into a tunnel where the exit becomes the sole objective.
These are questions for deep reflection. And yet, there is only one true quest behind all these questions: the Fullness of the Consciousness of Being. Even at the pinnacle of one's art or material existence, humans doubt the meaning of their life and how many adjectives or complements they still need to acquire to simply say: I am. This is the great paradox of our condition as conscious beings: wanting to embrace the All to know what lies in the Singularity of the present moment. This is what the Bible symbolically describes as original sin and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. The spiritual quest always catches up with us, often after many detours, and we face the choice of anesthetizing it or confronting it sincerely.
The rewards come in the form of tranquility and gratitude for these exceptional talents that become ours, not because we possess them, but because we witness them. When we accept Being, everything is given to us and nothing is lacking, the Ego is silenced, and illusions fade. And we, too, become different.
That is why Pointfulness is not coaching but pre-coaching focused on philosophical reflection, for a radical yet rational and gentle transformation of our mindset for a full life. Does that interest you? What is stopping you from achieving the fullness of the consciousness of being?